60 East Milwaukee Ave. #6508 Detroit, MI 48202
Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 9AM - 6PM
The Three Objectives
First and foremost, we prioritize the protection of our investors’ capital. We understand the importance of preserving the hard-earned wealth that our investors entrust to us. With rigorous due diligence and careful risk management, we strive to safeguard investments against potential downside risks, ensuring the security and stability of our portfolio.
Beyond protection, we are dedicated to fostering equity growth. We actively seek out opportunities in the media sector that have the potential to generate significant returns for our investors. Through strategic investments and partnerships, we aim to support the growth and expansion of promising companies in the ever-evolving media landscape, capitalizing on developing trends and disruptive innovations.
In addition to protection and growth, diversification is the final element of our investment strategy. We believe in developing multiple income sources to diversify risk and mitigate exposure to any single niche or approach. By diversifying our portfolio, we not only enhance risk-adjusted returns but also seize opportunities presented by various emerging media platforms, content types, and distribution technologies.
Neighborhood revitalization through direct investment in real estate and small business located in Qualified Opportunity Zones.
Targeted equity acquisitions of exceptional media sector companies with a high growth profile in Top 50 US media markets.
Managed portfolio of brands, digital media assets and other intellectual property which generate advertising, royalty or licensing income.